Reading Post 1.
It's time to create a blog for my YouTube subscribers!

YouTube subscribers often request me translations of italian songs and I use to send them my works in personal messages. I decided to create a blog where I can post some translations, so everybody can read them and ask me about. I did my translations and videos very late at night, so if you find any typing error, please tell me and forgive me, sometimes I am very tired...

Well, let's go!

A few weeks ago a YouTube subscriber of mine asked me for the translation of a song he wanted to be played at his wedding feast. Here it is:

Voglio vivere così.
I wanna live like this.

Và... cuore mio, da fiore a fior
Go... my heart, from flower to flower

con dolcezza e con amor
with sweetness and with love

vai tu per me ...
go you for me....

Và... che la mia felicità
Go... since my happiness

vive solo di realtà, vicino a te...
lives just of reality, near to you...

Voglio vivere così...
I wanna live like this...

col sole in fronte
with the sun in front (of me)

e felice canto
and happy I sing


Voglio vivere e goder
I wanna live and enjoy

l'aria del monte
the air of the mountain

perché questo incanto
'cause this enchantment

non costa niente!
costs nothing!

Ah, ah! Oggi amo, ardentemente
Ah, ah! Today I ardently love

quel ruscello impertinente,
that impertinent creek,

menestrello dell'amor.
minstrel of love.

Ah, ah! La fiorita delle piante
Ah, ah! The blossoming of the trees

tiene in festa questo cuor,
keeps in feast this heart,

sai perché?
do you know why?

Voglio vivere così
I wanna live like this

col sole in fronte
with the sun in front (of me)

e felice canto
and happy I sing

canto per me!
I sing for me!

Tu non mi inganni, Sole d'or
You don't deceive me, Sun of gold

m'accarezzi e dai calor!
You gaze me and give me warmth!

Stai buono tu!
You are good!

Tu, che respiri il mio respir,
You, breathing my breath,

ogni pena sai lenir...
every pain can calm...

Campagna tu!
You, country!

Voglio vivere così...
I wanna live like this...

col sole in fronte
with the sun in front (of me)

e felice canto
and happy I sing


Voglio vivere e goder
I wanna live and enjoy

l'aria del monte
the air of the mountain

perché questo incanto
'cause this enchantment

non costa niente!
costs nothing!

Ah, ah! Oggi amo, ardentemente
Ah, ah! Today I ardently love

quel ruscello impertinente,
that impertinent creek,

menestrello dell'amor.
minstrel of love.

Ah, ah! La fiorita delle piante
Ah, ah! The blossoming of the trees

tiene in festa questo cuor,
keeps in feast this heart,

sai perché?
do you know why?

Voglio vivere così
I wanna live like this

col sole in fronte
with the sun in front (of me)

e felice canto
and happy I sing

canto per me!
I sing for me!

Thank you!
Please, comment below or email me.



sogni o suenos said...

Thank you so much for your translations. I especially enjoyed the ones of Miserere and Sogno. PLEASE keep up the great work, and as much Zucchero as you can while I am learning Italian. I sing along with him. I feel the poetry of his lyrics, but still like knowing what they mean. Thank you.


marial said...

Thank you so much! I love music and I always wish to know the lyrics...
Keep walking :)

Unknown said...

this is wonderful, thank you for it. Good job, please keep going!! Soon I will ask you to translate a song for me.Many hugs from Brazil!

Mike E said...

thank you for this great job in bringing understanding to these great performances to those who speak english

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Music is magically uplifting and so grateful for the words in both Italian and English!

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